Renting a Marketing Team for B2B Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide

Looking to hire a B2B marketing team? This comprehensive guide will help you understand the benefits of RENTING a B2B marketing team, how much it costs, and how to find the right team for your business.

Greta Zaik

11/1/20233 min skaitymo

rent a b2b marketing team
rent a b2b marketing team

Marketing is essential for any business that wants to grow and succeed. But for B2B businesses, marketing can be especially challenging. B2B buyers are typically more complex and sophisticated than B2C buyers, and they require a more targeted and personalized approach to marketing.

If you're a B2B business owner, you may be wondering whether or not you need to hire a marketing team. The truth is, it depends on a number of factors, such as the size of your business, your industry, and your budget. However, if you're struggling to keep up with your marketing efforts or if you're not getting the results you want, hiring a marketing team can be a great investment.

Benefits of renting a marketing team for B2B businesses:

  • Access to expertise: Renting a marketing team gives you access to a team of experienced marketers who specialize in B2B marketing. They know the unique challenges and opportunities that B2B businesses face, and they can help you develop and implement a marketing strategy that is tailored to your specific needs.

  • Improved results: A good marketing team can help you improve your marketing results in a number of ways. They can help you increase brand awareness, generate leads, and close more sales.

  • Free up your time: Managing a marketing team can be a lot of work. But by renting a marketing team, you can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business, such as product development, sales, and customer service.

Differences between hiring and renting a marketing team

The main difference between hiring and renting a marketing team is the level of commitment. When you hire a marketing team, you are essentially bringing on new employees who will be working for your company on a full-time basis. This means that you will be responsible for their salaries, benefits, and other associated costs.

When you rent a marketing team, you are essentially outsourcing your marketing to a third-party agency. This means that you will be paying the agency a monthly fee for their services, but you will not be responsible for their salaries, benefits, or other associated costs.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between hiring and renting a marketing team:

Renting a marketing team is a risk-free way to test the waters of outsourcing your marketing. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can simply end your contract with the agency.

How much does it cost to rent a marketing team for B2B businesses?

The cost of renting a marketing team for B2B businesses varies depending on a number of factors, such as the size and experience of the team, the scope of work required, and the location of the team. In general, B2B businesses can expect to pay anywhere from 2,000 to 20,000 Eur per month to rent a marketing team.

Where to find a marketing team for B2B businesses:

There are a number of places where you can find a marketing team for your B2B business. Here are a few options:

  • Online job boards: There are a number of online job boards that specialize in marketing jobs. You can search for marketing teams on these job boards based on your specific needs and requirements.

  • Social media: You can also find marketing teams on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter. Search for relevant hashtags and keywords to find marketing teams that specialize in B2B marketing.

  • Referrals: Ask your network of contacts for referrals to marketing teams. If you know other B2B businesses that have been successful with their marketing, ask them who they are working with.

  • Contact our agency at Our team of experienced B2B marketers can quickly set up a project team tailored to your business's specific needs. We have a proven track record of success in helping B2B businesses achieve their marketing goals.

Why rent a marketing team from us?

At, we offer a variety of B2B marketing services, including:

  • Marketing strategy

  • Campaign management

  • Product marketing

  • Content creation

  • Email marketing

  • Lead generation

  • Thought leadership

  • Personal branding

  • Performance tracking

We have a team of experienced B2B marketers who can help you develop and implement a marketing strategy that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. We also offer a flexible pricing model, so you can scale your marketing team up or down as needed.


Renting a marketing team can be a great way to improve your marketing results and free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business. If you're a B2B business owner, consider renting a marketing team to help you achieve your marketing goals.


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Hiring vs renting a marketing team
Hiring vs renting a marketing team